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   The Lehigh Valley eRena


Apart from hosting competitions, the purpose of eRena is to establish itself as getaway for dedicated gamers and enthusiasts. A place where gamers can enjoy themselves with all the modern technology, meet other gamers and enjoy what eRena has to offer in a engaging social environment.


The eRena complex will be exclusively dedicated to the eSports world. Currently Lehigh Valley eSports competitions are being held in temporary environments like sports/concert venues, internet cafes, college campuses and movie theaters which are temporarily transformed to meet the primary requirements of eSports competitions. With the almost exponential growth in the industry, the community needs dedicated eSports venue.  A facility which will not only meets the primary requirements of hardcore eSports enthusiasts but provide a broad range of eSport related activities. The objective of eRena’s is to provide a captivating theme park like ecosystem for the entire eSports community. 

The Lehigh Valley eRena

The Lehigh Valley eRena

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More details coming soon!

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